<aside> 📱 You can set your email signature(s) within the Outlook application – N.B. signatures set on Outlook are likely to only send from that application and signatures will not automatically transfer to other applications, such as your mobile device.


For Outlook on Desktop

  1. Open Outlook and click on Message on the menu bar at the top and then Signature – this will be along from where the font options can be changed (if you can’t see this option, try searching for "signature" in the Outlook search bar)
  2. In the pop-up window, under Select signature to edit, choose New and type a name for your signature
  3. Enter your signature in the Edit signature box. If you are using a designed or HTML signature, copy this from its source and paste it into this box.
  4. Check your correct email account to attach this signature to is set under Choose default signature
  5. Lastly, you can set a signature to go out with new messages and replies/forwards. Select the name of the signature desired against New messages and Replies/forwards.

For Outlook on mobile

  1. Open the Outlook app on your mobile device and click on the Settings gear icon
  2. Under Settings, click on the Signature option
  3. Enter or paste in the signature you wish to use
  4. For specific signatures for specific email accounts, tap the Per Account Signature toggle and set a signature for each email account