📱 You can set your email signature(s) within the Outlook application – N.B. signatures set on Outlook are likely to only send from that application and signatures will not automatically transfer to other applications, such as your mobile device.
For Outlook on Desktop
- Open Outlook and click on Message on the menu bar at the top and then Signature – this will be along from where the font options can be changed (if you can’t see this option, try searching for "signature" in the Outlook search bar)
- In the pop-up window, under Select signature to edit, choose New and type a name for your signature
- Enter your signature in the Edit signature box. If you are using a designed or HTML signature, copy this from its source and paste it into this box.
- Check your correct email account to attach this signature to is set under Choose default signature
- Lastly, you can set a signature to go out with new messages and replies/forwards. Select the name of the signature desired against New messages and Replies/forwards.
For Outlook on mobile
- Open the Outlook app on your mobile device and click on the Settings gear icon
- Under Settings, click on the Signature option
- Enter or paste in the signature you wish to use
- For specific signatures for specific email accounts, tap the Per Account Signature toggle and set a signature for each email account