Steps Recorder

There's a tool built in to Windows called the Steps Recorder that helps you troubleshoot a problem on your device by recording the exact steps you took when the problem occurred. This can be really useful to demonstrate a problem without requiring remote access.

To access Steps Recorder in Windows 10:

  1. Click on the Start menu button, then Windows Accessories, then Steps Recorder
  2. Select Start Record on the small Steps Recorder window
  3. Go through the steps to reproduce your issue
  4. You can pause and resume recording at any time, and add comments as you go
  5. When finished, select Stop Record, and review your recording
  6. Select Save to sale your recording as a file (ZIP)
  7. Send the file to us for review

<aside> 🔐 Steps Recorder does not record text that you type, therefore passwords and access credentials are not shown or shared, which is great for privacy.


For more information, see Microsoft's help article here: